Detailed planning for our "Loop-the-Lake" Ride is underway! This will be a 10-day, 1500 mile ride that circles Lake Ontario (anti-clockwise) with stops in Boston, Portland, Vermont, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto (for the Spearhead 45th Anniversary Weekend Run) and The Ranch (in Hemlock, NY). Interested? Check out our facebook event page at ----------------------------------------------- Accommodations & Notes You must have a passport that is valid until at least March 2016 in order to enter Canada. You must also have your motorcycle registration, proof of insurance and licence. Accommodations on 19th, 20th and 21st are at the Gargoyle House in Newbury, Vermont. It's a clothing optional retreat for gay men with wood-fired hot-tub, sauna, movie room, play room and more. Includes food. Rooms are $85, $95 or $120 per night and deposits are required for new guests. Breakfast is provided and included with the room rate. Dinners can also be arranged for $20 per meal with some notice provided there is sufficient interest. Rooms, deposits and meals are payable with cash, checks, VISA, MasterCard or Discover cards. Make your hotel reservations for Toronto in advance. If you use KAYAK to make reservations at the Ramada Plaza Downtown, 300 Jarvis Street for Friday thru Sunday, I paid a total of $230.00 for the entire stay (taxes included!) If you delay, the price will go up and/or there won't be any space left. This is the host hotel for Spearhead's 45th Anniversary Weekend Run. In addition, you must pay $200 (Canadian dollars) to Spearhead if you intend to participate on their run. There is NO CHARGE to stay at The Ranch in Hemlock, NY. It is a large private residence of a friend of the club. All other overnight stays are either in the planning phase at this time, or we will find planes on the road. Rain riding: If at all avoidable, if the weather gets unpleasant, we will deviate our plan to avoid foul weather. If we get stuck in the rain, we will don rain suits and get to the nearest reasonable hotel to hole up. ----------------------------------------------- Agenda 18-SEP-15 13:00-18:00 (FRI) .... NYC -> Boston 18-SEP-15 18:00-00:00 (FRI) .... Overnight in Boston 19-SEP-15 09:00-12:00 (SAT) .... Boston->Portland 19-SEP-15 12:00-13:00 (SAT) .... Lunch 19-SEP-15 13:00-17:00 (SAT) .... Portland->Gargoyle House (Vermont) 19-SEP-15 17:00-00:00 (SAT) .... Overnight at Gargoyle House (Vermont) 20-SEP-15 00:00-00:00 (SUN) .... Chill/Hot Tub/Movies/Steam room at Gargoyle House (Vermont) 21-SEP-15 10:00-15:00 (MON) .... Gargoyle House (Vermont) -> Montreal, PQ, Canada 21-SEP-15 15:00-00:00 (MON) .... Overnight in Montreal, PQ 22-SEP-15 00:00-00:00 (TUE) .... Tour/Explore Montreal, PQ 23-SEP-15 10:00-13:00 (WED) .... Montreal, PQ -> Ottawa, ON, Canada 23-SEP-15 13:00-00:00 (WED) .... Explore Ottawa, ON: Cellblock, Centretown Pub, etc. 24-SEP-15 00:00-00:00 (THU) .... Explore Ottawa, ON: Parliament, Gatineau, Market Square, etc. 25-SEP-15 09:00-15:00 (FRI) .... Ottawa, ON -> Toronto, ON 25-SEP-15 15:00-00:00 (FRI) .... Check into Ramada Plaza Downtown, Check-in to Spearhead Run 26-SEP-15 00:00-00:00 (SAT) .... Spearhead Run 27-SEP-15 00:00-12:00 (SUN) .... Spearhead Run 27-SEP-15 12:00-17:00 (SUN) .... Toronto, ON -> The Ranch (Hemlock, NY) 27-SEP-15 17:00-00:00 (SUN) .... Chill at The Ranch 28-SEP-15 10:00-17:00 (MON) .... The Ranch (Hemlock, NY) -> NYC (Or I-90 for those in New England) ----------------------------------------------- Links 'n stuff Gargoyle House ....... Spearhead LDSC ...... The Ranch ................ Kayak ........................