Empire City's 40th Anniversary White Mountain Motorcycle Tour

Note: This event is strictly limited to 30 Riders.

50% is due by April 1, 2004 and the balance by May 10, 2004

 Print out this form and mail with remittance Full price for the event is: $385.00 for 2,  $295.00 for 3 and $250.00 for 4 to a room Use this form for yourself or for a group

Riders per Room rate times (see rate above) @  50%=$________________Amount enclosed  Bal. due 5/10/04

Riders per Room rate times (see rate above)@ 100%=$________________Amount enclosed  Balance in full

Your Name: ____________________________________________________________



Club affiliation, if any____________________________________________________

State _________________________________Zip:_____________________________

Your E-mail:_______________________________________________________


Rider  1: _____________________________________Rider  2 : ________________________________________

Rider  3: _____________________________________Rider  4: _________________________________________

Please tell us if you are riding alone or with a group. 
If you have a room preference, please specify. We cannot guarantee non-smoking, but we will do our best to accommodate.



Make check payable to Empire City, MC: and mail to:

Empire City MC P.O. Box 1881   New York, 10011